Monday, July 25, 2011

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan


The book is The Lost Hero. It is about a kid named Jason who goes on an epic journey to save the world, return his identity, and stop the evil from rising. 

About the book

In this book, the main characters are Piper, Jason, and Leo. They go across the U.S.A. trying to save the imprisoned Hero and regain the past.  Each have their own powers and skills to defeat evil.

Favorite Part

My favorite part of this book is when they verse a one-eyed cyclopes in a volcano.  In this part, Piper is held in a bondage of ropes while Leo is stuck in a cyclopes's mouth.  Jason uses a golden sword to defeat a long struggle.  He stabs the cyclopes and releases Piper.

My recommendation

I would recommend this book because it carries action, suspense, and adventure.

This review is written by Anonymous, Grade 6

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