Goal! The Dream Begins by Robert Rigby
Impression: I think this book was amusing. I really liked every single part of this book. One of the reason I really liked this book is because it can teach me a life lesson. This book taught me one lesson; never give up on my dreams no matter what. I hope when you read this book you think the same.
Recommend: I would definitely recommend this book. I recommend this book to people that like soccer, and to people that know how hard it is to accomplish a dream. This book inspires people to try to achieve their goals; anyone who reads this book will not be disappointed with it.
Favorite part: In the book Goal! The Dream Begins by Robert Rigby, my favorite part of the story is when Santiago’s grandmother, Mercedes, gives Santiago his tickets to fly to London. In the book, it said that Santiago was an illegal immigrant, because of this Mercedes gave Santiago three tickets; one train ticket to go to San Diego from Los Angeles, second ticket was a bus ticket to Mexico City so he could fly to London legally, and the third a plane ticket to London. From this point on is where Santiago’s dream begins and he will do anything to achieve it, no matter how arduous it is.
Favorite character: In the book Goal! The Dream Begins by Robert Rigby, my favorite character was the main character, Santiago Munez. In the book, I read Santiago went through a lot of difficult situations that put in danger his dream of becoming a professional soccer player, after everything that occurred to Santiago, he never gave up, he followed his heart, he knew exactly where he was supposed to be, it’s green and it has goalposts at each end. This character’s personality shows determination; this is one of the main reasons why Santiago Munez is my favorite characters and one of my idols.
Summary: Santiago, a young Mexican American, has always been a soccer freak; his father believes that Santiago should take over the successful family landscaping business, but Santiago knows what he wants to do. Santiago will fight to the end until his dream comes true, this becomes much more easier when a Scottish scout, Glen, gets Santiago a trail with Newcastle United, will he be able to make his dream come true?
Written by: Alejandro P. an 8th grader at Secaucus Middle School
can you please wright me a summary for each chapter