The best book created in the world is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The main character is the famous Harry Potter. This is the final book in which Harry Potter tries to kill Voldemort.
About the book
Harry has found out that Voldemort has made 7 horcruxes, two of which have already been destroyed. Horcruxes are objects in which a person stores part of his soul in. Now, Harry just needs to destroy the last 5 horcruxes before battling Voldemort. Will he sucessed? To find out read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Favorite Part
My favorite part is when Harry finally fights with Voldemort, it is the most climatic part of the story.
My recommendation
If you like stories about wizards and with suspense, you will love this book. So, read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (P.S. Reading the whole series in order will make the experience a lot better).
This review is written by Shreyas A., grade 6
This review is written by Shreyas A., grade 6
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